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Final Dzign
2009 ApHC Stallion # 663216 • 15 Hands • 5 Panel Negative
Sire: DZ Weedo ApHC #533898
Dam: Tieshays Bailey Glo ApHC #629198
Final DZign AKA: “DZ” is an OWN son of DZ Weedo and TRIPLE HOMOZYGOUS! DZ also sports one impressive pedigree, going back to greats such as Zippo Pine Bar, Regal Contender, Three Bars and Prince Plaudit. DZ will always guarantee a buckskin or smoky black foal with Appaloosa characteristics! He is an easy-going stallion with a wonderful disposition. If you’re wanting a quality foal with an exceptional pedigree and unique color, DZ will be your stallion of choice! 5-panel n/n.
A Pedigree of Champions

Offspring Examples
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